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One More Chance to Show Excellence in Work: Walsn Enterprises & Boya Coal Fired Pithead Power Plant Project

Time:2021-08-05 14:24

One More Chance to Show Excellence in Work: Walsn Enterprises & Boya Coal Fired Pithead Power Plant Project

Walsn is excited to announce that, thanks to the remarkable results of their team’s operations, product quality and company overall performance from day one of their establishment, they were recently awarded a contract for the Boya Coal Fired Power Plant Project by the project owner. 

Located in Muara Enim County, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia, the project covers several areas of constructive works including the construction of the coal-fired pithead power plant with the two generation units of 660 MW power capacity each. 

With the considerable management of the project and the orderly work force, the first unit is expected to be put into service by the end of the current year, while all efforts will be made to finish the construction of the second unit and put it into function in 2022. 

Known as one of the most important power plants in Indonesia, the construction of the pithead power plant will not only advance and boost the industry, but also evolve and benefit the economic development of Indonesia in a number of ways. 

Walsn will be providing the project with its highest quality Combustion Efficiency Analyzer.

Every single cooperation opportunity requires recognizing the value of each party’s labor and efforts in the collaborative action toward the common goal. Walsn is glad to play their part, share the expertise with their partners throughout the world.

Combustion Efficiency Analyzer
